Sunday, November 19, 2006

Yum! Turkey Day is coming !!!

Hi everyone. It's the KiKi-Meister here. It was about time for me to give you an update on my doings. Everything is just great. I am having some really exciting times watching the leaves fall and the chipmunks scurrying on the patio. (rocks my world). If I could just grab one! Activites have picked up around here getting ready for the holidays. Buying for 2 grandkids now. I haven't met them though. Mom and I battle for the alpha position here. She knows I am boss, but she is still bigger than me and has the veto power. Oh well. She has 2 legs, but I have 4. Who's faster ? You guessed it. I outrun her but she traps me in a small area. I bit her to assert myself once. You know what? She did not hit or bite me back ! She gave me a treat! Now that is some kind of Mom, isn't it? I love my Mom. And, I snuggle with Dad sometimes. That's new. Gives him a charge. Signing off, Ki-Ki

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