Thursday, October 19, 2006

3 weeks in my new home !

Hello ! I have had 3 weeks in my new home. I am happy as a lark. My parents are talking to me a lot, and I am warming up to them. I am scared of anyone outside the home, and prefer to hide under the bedspread if I detect strangers in the house. And do I love the catnip that Mom brings home to me. That stuff is great - for sure !! I want to thank Catherine P. for sending a website to my mom that had a pix of me at Second Chance Rescue on it. Mom fell in love with me, and begged Dad to let her go get me. The rest is history. I am grateful for the rescue. Cats don't usually get adopted like dogs do. I am a very very lucky young cat. Yep! I have an attitude, and YEP ! I intend to keep it. Thank you thank you thank you Mummy and Daddy for such a great home ! Signed, your kid, Ki-Ki

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