Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas from the Ki-Ki Meister

Hi, and Merry Christmas !!!!! I can't begin to tell you how wonderful a Christmas it was! So much going on. Since my last post, my Mom had started a new part-time job at a vet's. She helps with surgeries and clinic days. (Mondays and Wednesdays). She loves this work. It is the vet where I go too. She also started a job at Walgreen's (1 mile from our house) as a Pharmacy Technician. Wow ! Now that is something she is really enjoying. She gets her certification in March 2007, if she passes a test. Then she can be a pharmacy tech in any state, if she wants. Something I forgot to mention on my last post. My Mom's father died on Nov. 17th, and we were all in such shock that I just didn't mention it the last time. The funeral was Dec. 2nd, and then she started her new job at Walgreen's on Dec. 13th. Then all the Christmas hoopla. I got a mouse in my stocking that is laced with catnip! Makes me c-r-a-z-y !!!!! Gee, I am sure looking forward to when things will return to normal around here. They have been kinda crazy but not too hectic to interfere with my naps. 'Scuse me...I am overdue for one now. Signing off, Ki-Ki

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Yum! Turkey Day is coming !!!

Hi everyone. It's the KiKi-Meister here. It was about time for me to give you an update on my doings. Everything is just great. I am having some really exciting times watching the leaves fall and the chipmunks scurrying on the patio. (rocks my world). If I could just grab one! Activites have picked up around here getting ready for the holidays. Buying for 2 grandkids now. I haven't met them though. Mom and I battle for the alpha position here. She knows I am boss, but she is still bigger than me and has the veto power. Oh well. She has 2 legs, but I have 4. Who's faster ? You guessed it. I outrun her but she traps me in a small area. I bit her to assert myself once. You know what? She did not hit or bite me back ! She gave me a treat! Now that is some kind of Mom, isn't it? I love my Mom. And, I snuggle with Dad sometimes. That's new. Gives him a charge. Signing off, Ki-Ki

Thursday, October 19, 2006

3 weeks in my new home !

Hello ! I have had 3 weeks in my new home. I am happy as a lark. My parents are talking to me a lot, and I am warming up to them. I am scared of anyone outside the home, and prefer to hide under the bedspread if I detect strangers in the house. And do I love the catnip that Mom brings home to me. That stuff is great - for sure !! I want to thank Catherine P. for sending a website to my mom that had a pix of me at Second Chance Rescue on it. Mom fell in love with me, and begged Dad to let her go get me. The rest is history. I am grateful for the rescue. Cats don't usually get adopted like dogs do. I am a very very lucky young cat. Yep! I have an attitude, and YEP ! I intend to keep it. Thank you thank you thank you Mummy and Daddy for such a great home ! Signed, your kid, Ki-Ki

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Howdy (from Ki-Ki)

Hi Everyone. Well, I have adopted these people and lived with them for almost 3 weeks. I think they are going to work out just GREAT !!!!! I almost have them trained. I let them know when I am hungry ( for the good stuff wet cat food yay !!!!!!), when I want them to hang around me, when I want my space - you know, stuff like that. I have become more affectionate ( I thought that I would give them a break. They were trying so hard !!!) Mom is always either brushing me, cleaning my ears, giving me Laxatone for hairballs. I just LOVE THAT STUFF !!!! I sit with them in my own chair and watch a rented movie with them in the evenings. I'm not real big on playing with toys on a pole, but I love catnip mice. Yawn. Such is life. Oooops! time for my mid-morning nap. I've charmed them long enough with my purring this morning. Ciao!

Friday, October 06, 2006

I've been to the vet - yuck!

Good morning Everyone. Well, Amy took me to the vet on Wednesday 10/4 and I got all my shots again (when I only needed Feline Leukemia shot). But the vet was good, and I didn't even know he was doing it ! We when to Keystone Pet Hospital. They have a shot clinic on Wednesdays. I am doing fine. Had a run-in with Dad last night. I don't like the metal pet comb, and I guess he got on the wrong end of me, the end with my teeth. Sorry, Dad, the cat rules here. Mom said she might get a muzzle for things like brushing and ear cleaning. Brother, get a clue guys !!!! But, I got over it, and skin heals.

Monday, October 02, 2006

2nd Post and a Pix of Ashling, now known as Ki-Ki

Hi. I am the new cat in the house. I USED to be called Ashling, but NOW I am called Ki-Ki (kee-kee). Ashling was just too hard to say, and I didn't answer to it anyway. So they renamed me last night. Here is the 1st picture taken of me. I am the 3rd Tortie owned by my female human, Amy - and there are rumors that I resemble a short-haired version of Punkin, (her 2nd Tortie/Maine Coon) now deceased. I am giving my humans, Amy and Doug, some anxiety. I am pretty reclusive. And nocturnal, which is normal for cats. Amy got me a self-waterer and a self-feeder. Wow, the wet food she gives me a little taste of each day is great, and I have a special bowl for it that has little fishes all over it. But, she places my food and water on a mat that has all puppies on it ! Go figure. If you want to see where I came from - just click on the link to the right that says "Adopt A Pet". I am very happy here. And I am glad I have my very own blog. Just call me "Techno-Cat".

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Introduction of Ashling

Hi. I am Ashling Allison-Bunch, the 2-year old tortoiseshell, female cat who entered the household on 9/27/06. And boy, is it comfy! I have a new litterbox, toys, good food to eat and and 2 humans who really love me! Wow ! This is better than the Rescue Shelter I came from. Don't get me wrong. They took real good care of me there at Second Chance Rescue. I am just glad to have a home now I can call my own, with my own bed and all. This is great. Thank you for giving me a second chance. Ashling
P.S. A b-e-e-a-u-tiful picture of me will be in the next post to this blog.