Monday, February 19, 2007

Feb-b-r-r-r-uary Comments from Ki-Ki

Hi Everyone. Here in Indiana we have had snow and ice dumped on us about 3 times now. My "fiefdom" (which is outside our patio glass doors) is under a mound of white stuff. No chipmunks. No birds. No squirrels. Thank goodness that the weather has not interrupted my routine. Eat, sleep, annoy Mom and Dad, cuddle with Mom, beg Dad for treats. And of course, my "every half-hour bathes". Yes, Life is good. I hope everyone is having a great post- Superbowl and post-Valentine's weeks. Signing off, Ki-Ki

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Indianapolis Colts Win the Superbowl !!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY RAH, COLTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you haven't heard the news, my team won the Superbowl about an hour ago! I was cheering them on with Gran-Dan and Grama Chris and Mom. Sure was a good game! But, alas! I need a nap now. This city is kinda crazy right now. And there are some upset Bears fans too. Tsk! Tsk ! What's all the fuss? Party down, Dudes. Signing out, Ki-Ki (Colts Fan)