Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ki-Ki says "Go Colts!!!!"

Now, this coming Sunday is the BIG DAY! The Indianapolis Colts are going to the Super Bowl, and I will be watching with Mom, Gran-Dan and Grama Chris. Woo-hoo !!!! They've got a really good chance against the Chicago Bears. I just love my new banadana. Can't you tell? Gotta rest up for the big game on Sunday.
Signing off, Ki-Ki

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ki-Ki's Lament

Hi. It is Ki-Ki. The picture that you are viewing on the left is a vague memory of the beef stew and other delights in the way of "wet food" that I used to receive once a day. Mind you, it was only 1/4 of a can each day, but my vet said "only on special occasions". Otherwise, it's 3 coffee-scoops a day of the dry food. I ask him to define "special occasions". I think the playoff game of the Patriots and the Colts is a special occasion, don't you? If not that, today is the first real snow we have had since the winter of 2005-06. And it's a lot of snow in Indianapolis. Sounds like we need to celebrate with a feast. All in favor of Ki-Ki getting her "treat meal" today ... please let me know ! I'm starving !
(weakly) signing off, Ki-Ki

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ki-Ki's Got a New Bed

Yep, my folks are great !!!! I got a new bed this week. It took me a day to actually get in it (I didn't know what the thing was for! ) But now ---- what a treat ! I guess I'll unpack my bags, which have been packed ever since Mom and the vet restricted my food intake. I guess I'll stay here for a bit. 'Scuse me while I fweep (that's "sleep" to humans). Z-z-z-z-z, Ki-Ki

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Morning

Hi Everyone ! It's a grey Monday morning in Indianapolis, IN but I'm doing g-r-r-r-r-r-e-a-t !!!! Mom put me on a diet because the vet said I needed to eat 3 really small meals a day, and not use my self-feeder. Major BUMMER! I am hungry a lot. Mom gives me Pounce treats to help me from meal to meal. I even sampled the house-plants, thinking they would be a good thing to eat. The great Ki-Ki-Meister was wrong. Not good. But edible. It's business as usual around here. Mom is working 3 part-time jobs, and Dad is still at the State of Indiana. They cater to me all the time. I have them trained. Life is good here. I hope that all of your animal-lovers out there are hugging, loving and spoiling your pets today. Signing off, Ki-Ki
P.S. Mom made a small webpage as a tribute in memoriam to her father who died last November. The page is www.alawebpages.com/celebrations/jba