Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Ki-Ki and the Rainbow Bridge

Hi Everyone.  This is the last post from me, Ki-Ki.  I am at the Rainbow Bridge as of May 19, 2020.  I will let you know what happened to me.

I was diagnosed with feline mammary cancer on 2-8-2020, as a result of the biopsy of the tumors that were removed on 2-4-20.  It was an aggressive cancer.  Recovering from the surgery was rough, but I made it through.  Mom started putting "onesies" on me so that I wouldn't irritate my incision, and so that she could rub my back without getting a handful of hair.  I would sit on her lap and let her stroke my back for many minutes.  I think she enjoyed it as much as I did!  She and I had this special time early in the morning when I would sit on her lap.

I was introduced to "Annie".  Annie was a pet-whisperer.  She could communicate with me.  Mom learned of her through one of her friends at the gym who had six cats!  Anyway, on February 29, 2020, Annie came over and met with Mom and Dad.  I had a lot to say about my sickness, and that I would be leaving them in the next several months.  I knew that there was something going on with my body, but I did not know how to tell them.  I had no symptoms, but there were obvious lumps on my belly before they were removed.  My vet was Dr. Brett Johnson, and my wonderful vet tech was Vicki Burch at Keystone Animal Hospital.  They were always so good and gentle with me.

Mom found that my tumors were back and growing towards the end of April.  My tumors were pressing on my bladder and I was leaving droplets around on the floor.  I had been doing this for about a month, but they didn't figure it out until mid-May.  Mom and Dad seemed to act very attentive towards me, and they showed me more love than I thought was possible in those final days.  Annie has a phone session with Mom on May 18, 2020.  She let Mom know that it was time for them to let go of me.  I was ready to go, and I looked forward to what was ahead for me. We had one last night together, and I tried to purr and snuggle just as much as I could muster with them!

The next morning was a Tuesday, they put me in my carrier and took me to the vet's one last time.  I knew what was going to happen, and Mom knew that I knew.  She just kept talking to me, and so did Dad.  They were really struggling.  I did not know what to expect, but I knew that it would be over quickly.  Dad had a really hard time after they gave me the shot to relax me and put me to sleep.  He broke down sobbing and it broke my heart...but still I had to go.  Mom was trying to soothe me and help me on my journey.  Even Vicki said some words to me before she gave me the final shot.  She is so sweet.

I was cremated and the urn/box and ashes were returned to Mom and Dad on Saturday.  Mom put a great picture of me in a white onesie on the front of the box.  The cremation place also sent a little paw-print in plaster back with my ashes.  They were mounted on the wall.  Mom and Dad cleaned all of my things, tore down my room, and packed all of my belongings away and cleaned the house, especially the floors.  They were dealing with their grief in the best way that they knew how.

I know that they miss me.  I miss them terribly.  But, I am well, and free of pain, and happy with the many other cats and dogs at the Rainbow Bridge.  My life with Mom and Dad stretched into 13-1/2 years.  They treated me so well.  I ruled the house...they know it and I knew it...but it seemed to be okay.  It has been nice periodically talking with everyone who would read about it.  You humans have got a good thing going.

I hope to see...I KNOW I will see.... Mom and Dad at the Rainbow Bridge....some day!  And we will all be happy to be together again!

(signing off)  Ki-Ki

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