Saturday, December 09, 2017

Christmas Season--YAY!

Hi All !!  It is the Christmas Season, and our house has been decorated since two weeks before Thanksgiving.  My parents are ON IT!!!  All is okay with me.  The house is cozy, and I have a pillow in front of a livingroom heat register.  Yep, my bed it great that sits on top of the master bedroom bed.  But, my my pillow's placement gives me extra warmth!  I just love to be warm.  I love for Mom and Dad to be happy and content too. All is well with them.  I hope that everyone finds peace, serenity and happiness during this season in whatever manner they can.  Have you tried CATNIP?  It works for me!!  


Monday, November 13, 2017

I'm B-A-A-A-A-C-C-K!

Hi Everyone!

It is good to be back.  Amy has juggled a few things between a couple of years ago and now.  But, you'll just have to read her blog about her life.  THIS IS ALL ABOUT ME, AMIGOS!!

I am doing super-great!  I continue to weight 8 pounds, and I think Mom and Dad are starving me.  They feed me little bits of food no oftener than 20 minutes apart....because I regurgitate my food.  This is no fun, trust me!!  They have this stupid clock  on the refrigerator that tells them when they last fed me something.  I can't reach the clock with my paws, and I don't understand the system they are using but I am hungry a lot of the time.  Then my buddy, my vet, told Mom and Dad in October that they could feed me 4 small scoops of food each day, instead of 3!!  Yippee!  YAY!  The vet is my best buddy ever!  I don't care if he sticks a thermometer up my I get 33% more food!

We're all good here!  welcome to the Holiday Season!

Ki-Ki-meister, Esquire