Hello Everyone. Mom caught me with the camera again. And I was fweepin! Hey, hows about them Colts? Doing great this season. So are the Steelers (I guess). It is cold in this house. "They" haven't turned the boilers on yet. Hey ! Now wait a minute! I went to the vet's for the 2nd time since I've lived here. I thought I was homeless! I was in a cardboard box for about 1.5 hours! It was awful. Mom put my muzzle on. I got 2 shots. I was a good kitty. I kept to myself the rest of the day. I thought Mom was punishing me by taking me there. But then I curled up onthe armchair with her, and she let me sleep next to her. After being unseasonably hot this past weekend, it is now a lot cooler. I thought this pix of me was awfully p-u-r-r-r-r-t-y. Don't you? Hey, if you want to get a neat pet like me...adopt from a shelter. Too many of my kind are being killed because of over-population. Thanks. Ki-Ki (signing out)