Thursday, October 11, 2007

It Certainly Is Fall in Indiana Yay!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone. Mom caught me with the camera again. And I was fweepin! Hey, hows about them Colts? Doing great this season. So are the Steelers (I guess). It is cold in this house. "They" haven't turned the boilers on yet. Hey ! Now wait a minute! I went to the vet's for the 2nd time since I've lived here. I thought I was homeless! I was in a cardboard box for about 1.5 hours! It was awful. Mom put my muzzle on. I got 2 shots. I was a good kitty. I kept to myself the rest of the day. I thought Mom was punishing me by taking me there. But then I curled up onthe armchair with her, and she let me sleep next to her. After being unseasonably hot this past weekend, it is now a lot cooler. I thought this pix of me was awfully p-u-r-r-r-r-t-y. Don't you? Hey, if you want to get a neat pet like me...adopt from a shelter. Too many of my kind are being killed because of over-population. Thanks. Ki-Ki (signing out)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

It's September at Ki-Ki's House

Howdy! Well, I really gave Mom and Dad a good laugh last week. Mom had left a package of cookies in a plastic bag at the bottom of the steps to take to her car Wed. morning. Well, I dragged it into the kitchen (over night). Dad heard a noise downstairs in the middle of the night....but did he investigate? Nope. He just thought, "you (any burglars) all can have anything you want - just don't mess up The Doog's Hair". While he was ruminating about his long, golden locks, I was opening that package of cookies! They were soft sugar cookies with a raspberry flavored icing on them. And they were good! Dad wondered why I wasn't hungry at 6:45am when he got up, and racing down the stairs in front of him. Mom saw the colored sprinkles on the kitchen floor and just thought that Dad got messy eating the cookies. After they put 2 and 2 together and figured out what happened - NO MORE FOOD LEFT DOWN IN THE KI-KI-MEISTER'S REACH !!!! Ahhhh - but what a sugar high I had that day! Am I good or what???
It's so wonderful here. Signing out, Ki-Ki

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Komments from Ki-Ki

Hello. I realize that I haven't posted in awhile. We're kinda just takin' it easy around here. Just appreciating all that is good in my file. Oh, I got a new bed! I've grown a little bit, and Mom saw that the 1st bed was stunting my growth. I couldn't stretch out in it. Mom has decided to not go for her certification in her Pharmacy Technician job as of yet. Mom and Dad have been to the Biergarten at the Rathskellar where they listen to bands outside under the stars (and heat and humidity) in the summertime. We're getting ready to sign our 4th lease at the apartments where we are residing. Dad's only granddaughter just celebrated her 1st birthday a couple of weeks ago, and there was a party in her honor. It was lots of fun. And Uncle John's stepson, Nathan, graduated from high school last month, though Mom and Dad could not attend. I wish I had some really great, exciting news to report, but I just don't have any. So --- my new bed beckons me for a nap. Signing out, Ki-Ki

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hello from Ki-Ki

Hi ! You caught me fweepin' again! Just wanted to say that the world was treating me just fine. Mom and Dad still treat me like a Queen - - It is Springtime in Indianapolis, and the weather is wet & dry, hot & cold. Yes, it is definitely Indianapolis weather. I wish I had some interesting things to talk about -- oh! With the windows open, I see and can almost taste the chipmunks on the patio and in front of our townhouse. Got to check out those little BBQ grills on sale at Meijer's - to skewer me some fresh chipmunk, and savor them after marinating and grilling. Ah, the smells of Spring. Just thinking about all of this glorious fun makes me tired, and I need to catch up on my fweep. I have a lot of things planned in the weeks to coming. Licking my chops, but signing out. Ki-Ki

Monday, February 19, 2007

Feb-b-r-r-r-uary Comments from Ki-Ki

Hi Everyone. Here in Indiana we have had snow and ice dumped on us about 3 times now. My "fiefdom" (which is outside our patio glass doors) is under a mound of white stuff. No chipmunks. No birds. No squirrels. Thank goodness that the weather has not interrupted my routine. Eat, sleep, annoy Mom and Dad, cuddle with Mom, beg Dad for treats. And of course, my "every half-hour bathes". Yes, Life is good. I hope everyone is having a great post- Superbowl and post-Valentine's weeks. Signing off, Ki-Ki

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Indianapolis Colts Win the Superbowl !!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY RAH, COLTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you haven't heard the news, my team won the Superbowl about an hour ago! I was cheering them on with Gran-Dan and Grama Chris and Mom. Sure was a good game! But, alas! I need a nap now. This city is kinda crazy right now. And there are some upset Bears fans too. Tsk! Tsk ! What's all the fuss? Party down, Dudes. Signing out, Ki-Ki (Colts Fan)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ki-Ki says "Go Colts!!!!"

Now, this coming Sunday is the BIG DAY! The Indianapolis Colts are going to the Super Bowl, and I will be watching with Mom, Gran-Dan and Grama Chris. Woo-hoo !!!! They've got a really good chance against the Chicago Bears. I just love my new banadana. Can't you tell? Gotta rest up for the big game on Sunday.
Signing off, Ki-Ki

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ki-Ki's Lament

Hi. It is Ki-Ki. The picture that you are viewing on the left is a vague memory of the beef stew and other delights in the way of "wet food" that I used to receive once a day. Mind you, it was only 1/4 of a can each day, but my vet said "only on special occasions". Otherwise, it's 3 coffee-scoops a day of the dry food. I ask him to define "special occasions". I think the playoff game of the Patriots and the Colts is a special occasion, don't you? If not that, today is the first real snow we have had since the winter of 2005-06. And it's a lot of snow in Indianapolis. Sounds like we need to celebrate with a feast. All in favor of Ki-Ki getting her "treat meal" today ... please let me know ! I'm starving !
(weakly) signing off, Ki-Ki

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ki-Ki's Got a New Bed

Yep, my folks are great !!!! I got a new bed this week. It took me a day to actually get in it (I didn't know what the thing was for! ) But now ---- what a treat ! I guess I'll unpack my bags, which have been packed ever since Mom and the vet restricted my food intake. I guess I'll stay here for a bit. 'Scuse me while I fweep (that's "sleep" to humans). Z-z-z-z-z, Ki-Ki

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Morning

Hi Everyone ! It's a grey Monday morning in Indianapolis, IN but I'm doing g-r-r-r-r-r-e-a-t !!!! Mom put me on a diet because the vet said I needed to eat 3 really small meals a day, and not use my self-feeder. Major BUMMER! I am hungry a lot. Mom gives me Pounce treats to help me from meal to meal. I even sampled the house-plants, thinking they would be a good thing to eat. The great Ki-Ki-Meister was wrong. Not good. But edible. It's business as usual around here. Mom is working 3 part-time jobs, and Dad is still at the State of Indiana. They cater to me all the time. I have them trained. Life is good here. I hope that all of your animal-lovers out there are hugging, loving and spoiling your pets today. Signing off, Ki-Ki
P.S. Mom made a small webpage as a tribute in memoriam to her father who died last November. The page is